Podcast 63 (2/2): The Best of One World

are you ready for my

best technology yeah I totally   am okay  and this is   awesome it was it was a  technology  that  Moriarty came up with on  the holodeck and it was his quote   eat control  of the ship holodeck lever  but he just pulled that lever kind of like the Conan O'Brien Walker Texas  Ranger lever and then the ship would  just do crazy things that was awesome   yeah just the big lever   so true oh yeah  well I'll make the ship turn left and go
somewhere I was like  only   one way to  pull  it like how much  control can he  possibly have but he had it   cuz  he was  Moriarty  oh man that's great  um for my  best  slash  favorite technology I just  went with the holodeck because   seriously
yeah   yeah I guess I could have  picked  the holodeck and then I could have   included the lever as a subset but I  really wanted to pick the lever okay  what is your worst planet my worst  planet and I got to tell you for the
best planet   I went through and I looked  at them all and I tried to like be clever about  it but the  best planet  anyway worst planet is Kalon from half a  life because they all they've got the  mandatory suicide date and the planet is
about  to  be destroyed anyway   not  where  you want to be yeah totally   um my worst   planet I didn't think of that  when   that  one's a good   one  my worst planet is the one I didn't write  it down  but it was the one in
force of nature  with those two annoying   environmentalist  siblings who were there  and also there's no way to get to   the  planet  like on and off the planet you  you can't leave well you can leave the  planet but  you can't go  anywhere else
because   you can't do warp around the  planet at all so that's a pretty bad but   okay what's  your   favorite planet John  well I I guess I could go with Raisa   but  I'm actually going to go   with the  Justice planet in the rubican system
because they kind of skip a lot of   that  like Raisa people are just fully clothed  right there   and then you  eventually have   to  get their clothing off but it the  Justice planet you   don't even need to  do  that um   plus since  everyone has this
huge fear of  getting  killed there are no broken laws so seems  like it would be great   okay here's  my  argument  for Raisa over the  Justice  planet one   and Raisa  you don't have to  worry  about  seeing the scantily clad men
I get it we wanted we  want to be fair  for the women that's fine but oh man I  don't think I could handle that much  time so  um also you know on  Raisa  there's probably not the fear of   being  killed if you like if you like trip on
your shoelace and fall on a flower bed  yeah   I you  know I just think that   the  the trade-off isn't real good there on  the on the  justice planet but there is a  whole lot  of oil  and a whole lot   of not  very much clothes so yeah you   know see
you got to take the   good with the bad  so that's uh so there's that so let's see now John what is your least favorite  use  of the holodeck probably in the  episode emergence when they were on the  Orient Express and they had to collect
stuff from holodeck characters   tonight  just felt like poorly conceived video game that you might like download it as  freeware and  that's anyway my least  favorite use of the holodeck although  like there's like a sadistic pleasure
and this is  Jordi's Leah Brahms  fantasies on the holodeck because this is so oh it  just shows how pathetic  Geordi is yeah it does it's really one   of the greatest moments in Star Trek  when the real day  of Brahms  stumbles
upon that holodeck program yeah no  that's great   yeah iconic okay well  what's the best use of the holodeck um  CSI lab you know we actually named in  the a matter of perspective   that one no  no in the although they use it  for that
too so um I'm talking about in the one  where they're abducted by the aliens and they go there was a table and   Isla de  not specific enough there was a metal   table and then all of a sudden  it's like  exactly   the style of metal table they
want I mean it it knows it knows   thing a  lot like the name in that episode  because we've mentioned it   twice already  there was a stabbing arm like this yes there were holes in the table   that  was fantastic
okay one   of our friends in chat that's  your job you know what episode we're  talking about tell us  what it's called  yes   thank you Jim  please   do that did you  do your best use of the holodeck   Joe no  I didn't I'm gonna go with what they did
what  Moriarty did to them and  ship-in-a-bottle to make them think they  weren't in the holodeck  and  then they  did the same thing to Moriarty later but  I also have a special  place in my heart
for just  barclays holodeck program where   he just he reprogrammed all the members  of the crew because he hated them yeah  they're all in like these weird weird  positions like first of all crusher and  Troy  were objects of lost and  then and
then  Ryker was this  little midget   and  then Wesley use this spoiled painting character the blue boy I   have adjusted   which  is funny   who we're getting to some  good ones here  what is your  see we did  plan at night okay
your worst data malfunction I'm not sure  I'm going to call us a malfunction but it's when data is all set to sacrifice  the entire enterprise for the exocomps  quality of life yeah I guess it's not  officially a malfunction so illogical   if
he's doing it   because he's following  logic and like whatever is supposed   to  go on in his head   it doesn't work at all  okay and anyway it angers me go ahead   I  understand yeah okay  my least   favorite or well the worst it's
not my least favorite because it was  hilarious  oh by the way we  just we just  heard schisms is the episode   that we  couldn't think of with a metal table  with wood they cut their arms   off and  stuff that's a good episode but yeah my
least favorites   no not my least favorite  sign my worst data  mail function  was in  phantasms  when he stabbed Roy hahaha  oh man that   was pretty  good   okay but my  best malfunction the best malfunction of  data was in brothers when dr. Soong
called  him home  and he had that like homing program  we're just like  that took priority   and  then he took over the enterprise   and  there was this big long sequence of the  front where he  took over the enterprise
and he locked them out and he and he  just out thought every everybody on the  enterprise showing how dangerous he is  yeah I picked that one too and isn't   it  isn't it amazing how quickly it's  terrifying how quickly he can completely
take  over the  enterprise and everyone is  just powerless yeah like in a matter of  seconds  the enterprise  was his and no  one else could do anything about it   mm-hmm  yeah scary if they wake   up at  night yes it does John the worst alien
race  I'm going to go with the  tellurians   in suddenly human because they captured  that human kid and it seems like they committed a lot of child abuse to them  but they're like oh   that's  just our way  that's just what we do   kind of thing  but
he could have acted enough and plus   they're their best  leisure activity is  running alongside the river ha ha I knew  you're gonna mention the river   okay  that's pretty good   I'm gonna go ahead  and go with the package   I they were on
there  I thought  about them because  they're just they're just   terrible  they're they're like really really   stupid they're like really really stupid  bullies but then like once they're  bullying  you it's  almost like being
slapped around with a foam pad because  it's not that bad   but it  just doesn't  stop and it just would be so annoying  yeah I kind of have a hard time with the  believability  of the packets  because any  other alien race like besides the
Federation ever encounters them they  would just kill them there's me I  shouldn't be living okay all right   John  that means my favorite alien  race is the  Kree osun's and they are especially the  ones that are the metamorph the
metamorphic rios  oh right right   okay yeah  that's funny  you should you should learn to be   exactly what it takes to make me happy  you should you should conform yourself   to me yeah no that's Oh
Oh net amor you're  right I didn't have  it but  I did have a different more if I  have the alas Oh morph the that  sullen  loved that teddy  bear  that fell in love  with Wesley Crusher but they contain  anything and you got to see him change
and like Wesley was looking at him when  he's  like wow the effect that you guys  change which looks really cheesy but  that's kind of cool  worst metaphorical villain what was your worst metaphorical villain   but baby baby
hmm  okay very good  my dating some context would not be a  billion villain there can be good  monthly monthly  list away  with me Lloyd  in Star Trek next generation with  absolutely insidious  singers  yeah you'd
think  it wouldn't be bad  but they found  a way okay  I had I almost went with  this  one the lack of cohesion in the writing  teams  from  a part one of an episode   to  the part two of the episode the  following season  ah  that was almost my
worst time but I ultimately just went  with the prime directive the prime   directive okay and my best metaphorical  villain memories some of them were planted but memories nonetheless yeah   I  can't remember episode I was thinking
that but  it   seems like it came up a  lot  that  that memories of something  like  really presented a  problem to  someone in  the episode  today yeah Nick  just joined  this in a chat and   Nick you'll  be  pleasantly surprised when you go back
and listen to this podcast so there you  go my okay my favorite metaphorical  villain because it's so relevant to dead to today and I think I put this in  because it simply had to be mentioned it was drugs just not just once but twice
with  drugs the villain   you have to pick  it okay okay John your worst real  villain okay and this is why I didn't  pick the pack LEDs for the worst race but cuz their head because they were the  worst real villain and it was just the
pack   lid crew in the package ship in   Samaritans snare because it was horrible   and they're  horrible and gosh what a  horrible episode okay for my worst real  villain I   I really  also could have put  this is among the   best real villain  but
I'm  gonna go ahead  and go with data of  course thank you he's like one  of the  biggest villains on the show but they  just keep pretending that it's not  happening  oh yeah mr. Fox Jim makes a fine point
if I really wanted  to be a little better   about it  I would say   Laura  cuz I hated Laura   I'll say it I really hated lor  so  anyway  they  what hate Lauren   because he  might make  another appearance  on your   favorite villainous John who's your best
real villain no I mean in Star Trek okay  maybe well yeah okay my best villain  although my so   pseudo best first no  you  do best first   yeah what Junior what is  your best real villain  go Madrid go  ahead why didn't I go first
cuz I'm not gonna seem like I copied you  by picking   go Madrid so did you  just cop  him here what now I didn't copy you I  thought of gold Madrid all by myself  because   he  all about   a melon okay if you  say so David Warner very excellent actor
alright I   found  it   Australian members  Selena   but no  go Madrid was evil evil  you're next uh with worst guest yes   and  I'm going with Joe Piscopo are you  serious for a very brief appearance  I  remember the episode but he was trying
to help   deta become a  comedian   it was  neol Regis O'Connor it was pretty bad  because that's exactly what   i taked i  picked  Piscopo oh man that is  awesome   I almost  felt  bad because I felt like a hate Joe
Piscopo  but it was  horrible I mean  medians are supposed to be funny  right  yeah  okay   so John  what was your best guest   that's  my best guest probably well I  feel bad for not picking Leonard Nimoy
but I actually didn't pick Leonard Nimoy  and I didn't pick DeForest Kelley and I  didn't pick James Doohan either I didn't  pick any  of the  original cast members  but I did go with James   Stalin  as   Hal   Adair  j-rock in the defector   I just
thought he was a really   good character  and it was acted really well yeah um  James flowing was on my list and I was  super attempted to do uh  McCoy um but in the end I had  to go with the  incomparable Leonard Leonard Nimoy John
yeah yeah so I I feel so bad Leonard   a  few  out there  I   apologize  he's listening   to  this podcast   right now he's thinking   darn you John darn you he's like oh the  one glimpse he's just like randomly on  the internet he comes across this and
then like that happens and it's like I  will bring them down ha ha   okay ja who is the worst name your worst  name your worst name hughster my worst name I start I can't remember okay  my worst name   I know you'll think  of a
better one than this but I   I won't wash  the car wash   it Robin Hood girlfriend   Vash  because it sounds kind of like a an  affliction or a disease or   something it  does which   is weird because it's part of  the word ravish  ah  okay I'm up I went
with Guinan because it kind of sounds  like  zai sort of fishy female part we   talk about in biology and I always feel   uncomfortable saying Guinan yeah Jim and  the chat says the worst name is Q kind  of  call it sit there you  go where
named q3 Guinan colleges you know   Everett yeah but key was  only part of  the name so  we should have thought about  it's also kind of not   the most  interesting letter yeah okay but your  best name  Oh John I hope I'm stealing
your thunder again   and I've been won  over  on this one  and the best name in   all the next generation is crow City all  that you fail your cool ways up there  you go crows this the   Demento  someone get me a
cape   I will serve  Lord to the last of my  days which is today  grossest okay I hope  I had to get closest   end okay okay the  worst two-parter time's arrow   times  arrow  you're  correct  okay best two-parter John that's
two-parter I'm gonna go with chain of command chain of   command  no that was easy yeah okay worst worst  cliffhanger okay   I might be cheating  on  this one but I'm going to go the first  season episode called conspiracy   because
it was one where there were the worms  and people and they killed them all   and  they went back  to  Federation  headquarters and they were there but then at the   end  of the episode   there's  like it's it's a tracking beam they're
headed to earth and then at the   end of  the episode  you hit his BBB did  you know  as if like the message is going out but then there was never a part two of that   episode John that's  a fine that's a fine  choice and fine reasoning if you had to
pick  a standard two-parter  and you were  choosing your worst clipping or what would you have said um I like your  reasoning though and and we you know we can   even we can even go there there you  go   you will just stop what a soft that's
the worst clipping are you you make a fine time zone okay  so know what what is  your favorite cliffhanger okay but my  favorite cliffhanger was where is it  Oh best   cliffthea  yeah best of both  worlds actually yeah um I would say  that
my favorite cliffhanger has not yet  happened but um the best of both worlds   was my choice as well I  mean what like  it like ended so great yeah and that the second one anyway see  it's interesting because it was   not my
favorite second part er it was not my  favorite first part it was not in my  favorite episodes but just the   in-between  the exact cliffhanger part  was the best and then five minutes after  the second part started then oh it was
gone you know whatever but the actual  literal moment of the cliffhanger that's  what made it  the best cliffhanger  yeah  absolutely   absolutely it was  a fantastic   moment yeah  so fired the deflector dish   so yes alright um what's next
your worst part to resolution   er best of  both worlds part two I picked best of  both worlds part two do you want to know  what my best part  two was yes   chain-of-command  part two   Jenica  man  part two   hold on yeah I knew I knew we
think the same there definitely okay  okay here's a good one  here's a good one the worst   Deanna  love  interest I'm going to go ahead and go  with raw because it was just   appalling  is that the guy in crying from the price
yes uh yeah he's   lead Bron from Seinfeld  yeah yeah no he's he's gross and greasy  and  he rubbed her foot  and why   would she   even  like him   why do girls  like guys  like that makes me so mad okay I  actually went  with her son Ian  um
because if you remember Ian started as a  beam of  light that  came into the ship  and then like went under the covers and into her womb so I think that counts as   a love  interest has released  a romance I think
but yeah some kind of yeah   or  just some  kind of sexual quickie   and it was with  her own child that it realize okay nice but the best   Deanna love interest  and it's good to  steal some a year's   thunder  for once
because I'm going  with Reginald Barclay  ah   John I wish you were stealing my  thunder I and I had that originally  listed  um but I'm gonna have to  go and I  kind of went a little serious on this  one I hadn't I wanted to go with   Wharf
and   I did go before I  went with you and  see how that   read I went you like her  more with Wharf than Riker  then yes   arrey  Fox Jim agrees we win   no thing  interesting I like I like her with Tom rancor more than more I almost put that
I was really like her part   knew okay but  no Barclay is good   because  she really  kind of got the warm flurries for Reginald Barclay of all people for a  little bit it was kind of cool yeah  gives us all hope okay now the worst
Beverly romance for you okay I'm gonna  go with Oh Dan from the host because that kind of guy  I hate  him  okay yeah I kind of   guy  that   even like  puts his hand on your shoulder and even when you like describing the   toastie odd
that morning it's the most serious thing  you've ever discussed ever he's mister  intense he's very sincere about it   this  host was he looks into the Sun and  starts crying   it was like looks at  a  rainbow  oh my gosh the rainbow I wish
the Sun would hurry up instead   oh  I see  you're quoting bedazzled yes I am  actually  Oh  mad that   that scene was really funny  oh and all the latest internet YouTube  craze of this   ten minute  footage of this
guy going  on and on   about a rainbow and  just going  nuts  okay well I'm gonna have   to go for best  crusher romance   I kind of  went serious here  to honorable  mention  to Ronan because that was pretty sweet  you know the whole candle romance but uh
for the award I went to I   went with  Picard because that was kind of like the  overarching romance that covered the entire show and   it was always kind  of  there in the background and even though  I  I guess I mean again they got married
right according to all good things  so anyway according  to one timeline yeah  the Picard very good okay um do I will  go with okay yeah Jim's calling you out  saying she never had a romance with him  well you're definitely  gonna call me out
on mine well they they kissed they  kissed expressed feelings and they got  married yeah  they kind of  gummy   they got married  in one timeline   we don't know if it's   all timelines so I guess you can say
anything we're talking fictional here so  we can do whatever you want forget the  future timelines  they still kissed in  express feelings that's true all right  um I did I ever   see my worst Beverly  romance because I I went ahead and   went
with a candle  oh you know I love that  episode I guess you didn't I'm   sorry  okay and the best Beverly romance okay  this might be cheating a little bit  because this wasn't really a romance but  I think there were sparks there sparks I
like to see anyway but in that same episode the host   but not that guy not  not  what's his name but after he died  and they put his record  trill thing  after Riker when they put it into   the  woman so the chick trill that's my
favorite Beverly romance some like  girl-on-girl that actually never  happened   that  was a tense yeah it was  intense it was palpable palpable   yeah no  Jim said I almost picked her best romance was the game the sex game that
came on on board   yeah okay jr. your  worst recurring character Oh only  if  we're forgetting about the worst Picard  romance  Oh what's I skip past that  sorry  should worst Picard romance nella Darrin  from lessons yes   I didn't  even put her
named and I just put that yacht in lessons  she's not all she's not  each I don't  any   like he like gives  up all the like   inner   most like sensitive parts to her so fast   I cry whenever  I've never played this
for anyone I don't I don't do this with  anyone and blah blah blah  and you know she was   she  wasn't all   that  John she's and she's horrible she  reminds me  of a freaking Kathryn Janeway  oh well uh we'll  get to   Hurley okay
but your best romance  Oh what was your  worst oh my worst no I said   that yo-chan   lessons oh yes we  did -   yeah okay so my  best was with an honorable   mention to  Kamala  I went with  vash I think he was
best   suited with  Vash even though her  free spirit  Nissen made it so they could  never be together but the problem I had  with Kamala  was that she was like   programmed to like bond to him it had  nothing to do with her actually having
any real feelings with him she just happened to spend enough time with him  that   she  bonded to him and he happened  to really dig her because she was becoming exactly what he wanted   so even  though she was really pretty and he
really dug her the the one that was  actually  a natural romance  that I  thought was the  best was with  Bosch true  um and all the problems you had with  Kamala were benefits from me and I would  come on   OK it might have  been the best
romance for him because you know that  would have been the best romance with  anyone and I thought about the the lady  from  the inner light but um if we're  getting picky here that wasn't real  romance because I was all in his  mind I
I guess yeah way to call out Jim this time I'll teach him no but actually I do  like the inner light one for some reason   that didn't  even occur to me I probably  should  have  picked that one that's a   really good  one okay
worse at her  Inc worked oh don't you   cheat  when you get to announce all the  categories now okay fine you announce  the categories yeah worst recurring  character John walks on  uh Troy locks on  a Troy  alright I'm best recurring
character I'm go with a  roll Aaron I really wish  there'd been more of her honorable  mention to Reginald Barclay   oh yeah hmm  yeah I liked I liked Barclay more than   Roe but actually I didn't pick either  of
them because  I picked Garen the Klingon  Chancellor all right he's pretty cool that's good   newest now eyes wide open and he was  sensible he was very Klingon very brash  but also in very dumb at times but then
sometimes  he  was sort of smart   I kind of   like them that's  a good choice   Garen is   a fine choice hey Kern would have been a  good choice too   there were drugs  yeah  you like Kern oh we're gonna like  pretend that never happened
yep we are okay you're back it's only  like a few seconds  ago that  we finished  talking which you know   it's seen so we  should   be able to remember what category  we left out on it was worst alternate  reality okay my worst alternate reality
the one where the Borg are everywhere  and Riker has a ZZ Top beard  I don't I  don't remember that one   it was in parallels was just one of the  realities  and parallels remember because  there was the enterprise that  wanted to
destroy him because they would rather  live  in their reality  than their own  because their own was so horrible oh no  that's right you're right okay well that's pretty good so I just   went  with frame of mind
okay which also was my least favorite twice on episode and so my best  alternate reality was yesterday's enterprise because wartime wartime  enterprise is awesome yep yeah and I  went with that as well   that was the best
alternate reality and even though it did  have  Tasha are it was a Tasha  Yar that  was more livable with also a honorable  mention where Wesley is a lieutenant and  that was another old like alternate  reality in parallels okay   how about your
worst period episode worst period episode times arrow  yep x 0i i picked specifically   x  I wrote  - okay that's not just when data was   in  that period that when they were all   in
that period  and they somehow assumed  positions and clothing from   the  time  inexplicably yeah yeah I yeah time  zero - that's what  I'm gone you know  times out - okay so  I'll are better than period no it's you
you know dirty hi I am going with  encounter at Farpoint which was a period   piece of the early 21st century shortly  after the atomic war okay I'm going   with  the big goodbye  oh that's a  good one  yeah yeah okay yeah I'm like like that
one a  lot of people don't  like that   one  I like   them a lot of people are jerks   the worst  queue episode   John encounter  at Farpoint encounter at Farpoint best   clothes  my   muse yes  q who know I guess  don't you oday  John Q
the Robin Hood one yes because we're  talking about the  best q episode right  not the best episode that happens have Q in it  no no no   deja  Q is not the Robin Hood one that's  Q paid okay
deja Q is the episode where Q becomes  human  alright okay and so we're talking   actually episode that is it's all about  cute the whole thing is about Q it's not  an episode  that has Q in it it's all  about him and so that's the same
reasoning for not picking tapestry yes  because I probably would have picked  tapestry okay what is   your worst   Barclays episode realm  affair   yes Rama   theorem it  was dumb enough not to talk  about and my best  sparkling episode was
hollow pursuits about holodeck addiction  holodeck sequences in it and plus it was  just about a guy who had a lot   of  anxiety and I relate to   that  how are you and you and Fox Jimmer on  completely opposite  I know he hates all
the pursuits I think it's great now I   think it's a great  episode   eight you say   four  my  favorite is empty  gree whoa look at  that   I think  mr. Schultz really has a  good time in that episode I would take
Genesis before the nth degree because o  because Berkeley turned into the coolest   man  spider I've ever seen ha ha ha  Berkeley man spider pod  ok alright John   the worst  Tasha Yar episode code of   honour  incredibly racist   and not  very
good  I'm trying to member what one that  way when she was alive in that one   yes  she was alive it's where   she had to UM  there was the they went   to the planet of  African slave traders and um and and she had to fight the daughter of of one of
the leaders there on a jungle gym of  death  okay  I I should probably change mine to that  I had  redemption  part   two  which doesn't   even fit because  it's not Tasha it's  like Tasha spawn or something   Oh Tasha
spotted the haircut was pretty bad  but  you're probably right code of honor is   probably in so the best Tasha episode  it's got to be yesterday's enterprise actually you know what really you  thinking about nothing well skin of evil
is good  because I  love the whole whole  funeral thing it's a good let's go let's  go yesterday's enterprise  ya know  it's  it that's the answer yesterday's enterprise that's what I have it's the best Tasha episode and it kind of shows
it's kind  of sad because you could see  that   she could kind  of become a sort of  interesting character but she   never  really got the   chance because  she only  laughed after like ten episodes or  something so yeah and actually when   cuz
when I looked up her specific episodes there weren't a  whole lot  that   were  Tasha episodes per se um so mr. Jim  agrees with my  honourable mentioned skin of evil and I but I think he likes it  for all the wrong reasons just because
we get to get rid of her  if  that's the  case then your favorite Wesley episode  would   be the journey's end  and I mean what can I   say  so let's move on to that John what so what's the worst Wesley episode it
actually is journey's end journey's end  episode yes okay and the best Wesley  episode is oddly the final mission  really okay that was pretty good   and I  like this one more than   you I actually   like  the game as James Wesley episode
where he makes out   with Ashley  Judd and  saves the day but in a less annoying way  than usual crusher episode your worst crusher episode  ah  the host   probably the  host  although I think you're probably gonna
pick the suspicions yeah I am gonna pick  suspicions very good you know  I'm gonna  switch suspicions at least the  host good   cause like had  like a decent story that  maybe you could get involved  and I kind  of hated the characters in the host but
suspicions was really lame yeah  suspicions was pretty weak subpar this  pedestrian but the best under pressure  episode is not remember me yes it  everyone is going to hate me   for this  but I'm picking sub rosa nothing wrong
with that  the the  gothic mystery romance next to a  Scottish Loch in a galaxy far far away   Hey ah that's it's good at UM now it was  a good episode it was but you   like  remember me   I  like her or me   I really
like remember now that's funny okay so I  won't be surprised at your favorite  episode of  the next generation  it's my  favorite episode of the next gen y do  you got to ruin that boiler   oh  okay now  we're  two Deana episodes right yeah this
is a one episode honorable   mention to  night tears but I'm gonna go with the  loss and I think the last kind of  epitomize is why everyone doesn't like   Tiana period yeah  she not only was   she useless in that but
she was also extremely whiny and  condescending and cut yeah just   in  snobby just  I hate I hate you guys did you not agree   on it  damn I   would  like you be on a guy  yeah exactly
okay but your best   Deanna episode now  this we're going to think differently on  here because  I didn't define it very  well I   haven't asked a the winner  it's   a  when  she  plays like the enemy   Oh God and  oh   yay
no  I should have thought about I didn't  even think of  that one that one's  a  power play  when she's possessed by the  evil  challenges from convicts spirits  from that prison planet and she leads  the team to  take  over the enterprise one
of the team being data but somehow they  didn't take  over the enterprise quite as  easily is when data does it by himself that's a good point yeah   but I thought  the best Deanna episode was actually   a  fistful of datas which wasn't super good
because they didn't have Yul Brynner  playing the gunslinger in it but Deanna  just on the holodeck is a like a cowboy  outlaw renegade person I thought she was sexier there than in any other moment  in  the series   that's  pretty good yeah   I
thought was pretty good she was she was good   in that  one pretty  darn good okay  Geordi episodes the worst Geordi episode  is galaxies child not   only  is a bad  episode but  that was  like that was   the
most painful Geordi episode to watch  where was just like spelled out for  everyone what a loser he is and like it  says  oh it hurts  so bad   when the girl  like stumbles up when they  Brahma  stumbles upon his holodeck programs in
it and you can't backpedal  from that  Geordi I think you   just  like   you  just  just supposed to   just run away and cry I  think  yeah oh yeah okay my look at this  don't look at  it the worst Geordi  episode I actually had interface which
is the virtual  reality one where you can't  find his mom and he still can't find his  mom his mom still lost   Sam yeah  no one  even knows and that was the worst   one  hmm
the best one identity crisis   I  thought   you  liked no one he turns into an  invisible lizard  I was kind of cool I  was kind  of freaky I'm  gonna go ahead  and go with next phase because of   all  the laws they defy in that episode and
the special boots they wear and it's kind of a he shares the episode with  RO  and so next phase A to B it was this was  kind of  this was a hard category for  me  because there of all the Geordi episodes  there weren't very many like good
episodes Geordi has not a lot of  mediocre episodes mostly minority  Geordi  centric episodes were uh just kind of uh  but I'm apparently I'm right jim says  next   phase is not just a good choice but  the only it's so nice to   have  Jim in the
chat room because yeah because   we're  always like so unsure like maybe this one maybe this one   oh no no I'm right   Jim says so  yeah it's nice it's nice to  have it's it's it's building our confidence slightly
alright so John yeah  for you what is the  worst data episode okay it probably  wasn't I almost picked masks and I  disliked masks more but as a specific data episode I have to go with the most  toys because it I was hung up on it for
four seasons about he was trying  to kill  the  guy and then lying  to the crew about  it  I just it just hung me up so bad that  I can't  think of anything else but  the  most toys  okay my worst is quality   of  life and I
think seriously  after this  incident they  got to get him off  the starship because  who knows when again like he's going to  I mean why didn't he try   to like destroy  the entire ship while defending  the  nanites  well I think maybe the next time
Wesley spills his cup of nanites that might be the case I think the this is  just the episode   that proves that that  he eventually will destroyed the  enterprise and Jim mentions a couple good   ones
specifically   the one he heats Elementary  dear data which is actually pretty good  I think  um and then he says the best one is the  one where he dates that woman which   i  think  is horrible
yeah I didn't like  that very much easier   Oh Jim  this is the first time you've  been way off I'm sorry um another real  bad one of  course was hero worship  that  was pretty bad   no that was not there  that was like it's a bad episode I can't
blame it   on data's performance but it  was a bad episode  okay good work Jim   yeah but when he tried to  date the woman  that was pretty bad so let's see   on John  the worst   Wharf  episode new ground which   is the one where Alexander  comes on
board and stays with   him forever  that's pretty bad um that's a good  choice I'm going  to go with the cost of  living because he's made a fool of he  just looks like a fool  oh yeah that's a  good one
because the cost of living might be the  worst episode of television  ha ha ha ha ha ha of television  oh man  that's good so  oh that episode might come up again  let's see um   my  best Worf episode and
this is an early   one I'm gonna go with   the heart of glory mmm Wow  because he  was yeah this is the first time where he  really dips into his Klingon roots and  he really gets into being Klingon II on   the episode  then he he explains why it's
okay  for  him to   be on his in the  Federation and Klingon but I think one  of the great great moments is when that   person dies and he gives the the the  howl yeah not to mention heart of glory was at the top of my list of best
episode names great name oh yeah  heart  not glory yeah the one with   Kayla  sigh  Cameron where that one's called is it the rightful heir that was very top of   my best work  episode that was a great  night winner that's  nuts  right up there
but  only coming  back to we can log off  great  wharf episodes Worf was  in some  great episodes so let's show there was  um sins the father was great   redemption was  great rightful heir was great I mean
there   were  some   the there were  some  great work episodes dang I might have to switch mine now  that we've talked about all those  because I for some reason   I didn't  really count rightful heir as a Worf
episode but it   really was a Worf episode   oh yeah I  really I'm going to pick  rightful heir I did have parallels which everybody  else liked more than I did but I'm  warming up to because parallels was
pretty good  oh yeah paralyzed cow  you  know it was like it was very subtle in  its direction  health things kind of  changed it was kind of cool to  see them  go back  and  forth and stuff like that um  but no rightful heir   I think is is
interesting we talked about that episode   for like an hour is totally worth it  yeah there   you go  wait can I go back to   a heart of glory though yeah  do it   it was the best part about heart of  glory is when he does the Klingon yell
that warns the afterlife spirits that a  warrior is coming into the afterlife  yeah but then he reproduces the same  Klingon yell as the Klingon mating call ha ha ha that's that's pretty cool   in a  later of us I think in that Wesley
l'assommoir episode   okay um okay  now this one was hard for me actually   where's  John   Titor  episode ah do I go  first  okay member malcolm go first  okay  i'm gonna say a  matter of   perspective honorable mention  being
outcast and  on the outcast is my  honorable mention because  it just  proves  it like he is willing  to like go for  anybody in anything  i  mean there did   say  i just i just i can't  explain that  one  other than there was   like a  challenge to
him darn   right I'm going  to be attracted  to this Rafe you trying to tell me   I  can't so but a matter of perspective was  just the that's the one  that just like   it shows like what  Riker is like he's  he's  like a total lecherous creep and he
doesn't even realize it  yeah yeah so but that you counted   that  as your worst yes but I have it on my  list for best forgotten   the very  reason  so   what's your worst Riker episode then  um well the outcast is on here as well
and I just  kind of have to say about the  outcast  I don't  think the   outcasts  worked because yes they wanted to make a  good point about like obviously about  homosexuality or transgenders even you know some kind of   thing there and they
wanted  to  use Riker   but they can't  use  Riker because he's already established as such a legitimate womanizer  and so  you know to even think that he even be  sort of androgyny curious  it's kind  of  far-fetched  and the fact that he pulls
out the  l-word  in the   outcasts  and no  other episode that I can even think of  it doesn't   really make sense  yeah and  jim jim says lesbian  the   yel  work  you know because  there's a movie  coming out I just I didn't mention this
but Scott Pilgrim vs. the world you've seen previews for that right nope  it's it's Edgar  Wright and Michael Cera  is an Edgar Wright   of course is the guy  who did  Sean at the dead oh come and  Michael Cera is in this new Edgar Wright
movie where he has to he starts dating  this girl and as part of dating her  he  has to defeat her ex boyfriends like in duels in like there's a point where one  of the   characters says pull the  l-word  honor
pull the  l-word honor you  know when the  time  is right any-any just goes lesbians  what and then like later like you confronts  her and goes I'm in lesbians with you   oh  so   now we already know  your favorite
Ryker episode which was my least  favorite and everyone else's least favorite um no no I didn't see what my  least favorite is after Sheldon what is  your least favorite officially well it's shades of   grey  which   I didn't
you forget  about shades of  grey it was  the flashback episode at  the end of  season 2 where   Saul I  was gonna be bad  um my favorite   Riker episode is a matter  of  Honor  and Jim agrees  oh that that's  like
that's what a  testosterone  old episode and not bad that episode  held so much   Riker potential I think I'm  a   pict  Riker is my favorite character  that oh yeah   no that was good   I I can't just I actually have a bunch
list and I was going to just decide on  the fly   I think I might go with second  chances because just the sheer   volume of  Riker in that episode and I thought it was really interesting   you know like you   know how he felt  several   years  ago and
like how that affects his present and  you know it's kind of like sliding doors   a  little bit but also on the   shortlist  list I had first contact   I thought was a  really good record episode okay where he  yeah you like  Sophie no worth yeah and
best of both worlds part two even though  it's a not a very good episode it was it  was good Riker because he was in charge and I can't deny a matter of perspective  because   we  get to see   exactly  how Riker  perceives himself and how others
perceive him and how never the twain shall meet  and it's like sometimes  you  know  people  like   that who don't  understand how people  perceive them and  it's some kind  of sociopathic thing and  that's like what Riker has yeah is that
a lack of  self-awareness is that what it   is yeah I  don't know okay well there you  go Riker   so polarizing isn't he yes okay so  John this is the big guns right   here the  worse is like the worst Picard episode
lessons lessons   okay I thought you'd  pick  that  I'm going to go   ahead and go a  disaster really but she finds himself  stuck in an elevator with a bunch of  little kids but together   when they put  their heads together  little kids  can
help save the enterprise  I can't believe  how much worse my episode is in your episode  okay whatever  so the best Picard  episode  Oh  this was this was actually  tough because there's the obvious   one  and I like   chain-of-command part two of
law  I like my official honorable mention   is  CEREC but the inner light is it yes the  inner light is the mess  Picard episode  maybe I don't know maybe   it's  not a  Picard episode maybe it's more of a
caiman episode that is   nah  I don't know so  alright John  what is the  worst use of the beefcake budget easy   ok   William  Campbell as the outrageous   okama   okay he's a he's  my honorable mention  but then I went with the Siberian
because that's just not   very  attractive   I don't know what they thought they were  doing  he was the Siberian is he the guy in the nth degree no the site there in the drag them to
his part of the universe and he's kind  of like  the  hippie   we old man right in  the  aunt's degree  yes very good and   yes  that's   okay and your best  beefcake   liate   or  do you know who   that is  no I can't  think  of who we ate from justice  he was
one  of  the   three  mil Gaya justice one of  the greased up basically saxophone haha  he may have nice okay  well way to  go   see   a tour last show I'm definitely going   with Eric  Pierpont who played football  in liaison there's all and he   is the guy
who is posing as that hot woman who was  on the planet   that  the card was stranded  with but you know I think he earns  Beefcake points because he was  struggling to learn the human concept of  love which plus he looks like a kind of
a young Bruce Boxleitner  later on all  right well John what is your vote for   the best  use of the   HCB also known as  hot chick budget are we going to do the  worst use of  HCV  first oh yes we should  indeed we should sorry I'm going to go
with  Katherine  Moffat as   be tonnage all  agreed who was in the game   really yeah  see but has because I think she was  supposed to be attractive right supposed to be but I thought was   that was not the  effect for sure oh that means I get to
do it first okay  so there were some good choices   or the   best  use of the budget um and I'm gonna  go with Brenna   O'Dell  no way up are you  serious  I'm  totally serious   I was going to
surprise you  so bad by picking Brenna  O'Dell and up the   long ladder  she's a  shy  Rosalyn  lander   Oh  thought she was  great   mid-river rific midriff horrific  and she had that accents   and it didn't  help our sorry didn't hurt   that she was
surrounded by like the dirty her dirty  family so it kind of made her look  better because she was the only clean  one but ya know very sexy  brennan l up  initial yeah I mean I go to picked   Kamala and I could have picked Ashley
Judd   and I could have picked  Amanda  Rogers Amanda Roger  Amanda Rogers is a good one yeah   and he  was the security  chief who  was in charge  of watching the cards son   oh yeah he  was  really light through that Joan Jett hair
yeah yeah there you go   well about that was an important that  was a that was a big one can you were almost done here oh no we  are now down   to I think I get  to go first you can  read it you can read  it John we hit  okay
the most d proved actually can can I  reverse this I have to reverse this one  who is some your most improved cast  member  gonna go with the card the card  that was approved   yes most it must  improved  okay my most improved is
actually Wesley Crusher because at first  he started  out really annoying but then  by the time   of  the game and first duty  he wasn't noxious and he was talking to  everybody at their level and and he was  an equal and he he actually really did
grow and turn into someone I wouldn't  mind hanging out with so most  a finalized journey yes which leads  me  to my most  D proved  cast member which is  again Wesley Crusher and   assuring then  he just like all of that went out the
window  and he was awful  yeah  oh that's funny  okay   Jim said in  the chat the most improved   his yarn  she went from annoying to off the show   okay my most d proved is  rhykker   I think  at the beginning of   the show I wanted  to
like him so bad and in the last few  seasons it just it was like a spiral   yeah it really was  yeah the first three  or  four   seasons  Riker was really the man I really   liked  that  guy and I really grew to love  him
even more   than Worf  at one point but  then he just   kind of stopped showing up  a little bit  he chose  okay Rhett  perhaps   okay Joe now  Joe sorry John now this is definitely a  different category here and anyway the
worst cast member not Maude not the most  d proved but the worst  just flat-out the  worst cast member regular cast Guinan I  picked Guinan  does that count   oh did  we call her a recurring character  I mean mind I don't  know odd that anyway
that's who I picked okay I'm able not   gynae than Deanna  I'm going with the  Wesley okay which brings me to the best  and as far  as like a consistency and I  swear I enjoy almost every single  episode that is centered around this
character I'm going to go with a Worf is  the best  one last one I almost went with  Worf I almost want  to try her but I had  to go with the card even   though I have  some serious complaints   just about the  character itself  I kind of I almost
think he's too good you know  like  he  doesn't have enough weakness he doesn't  have enough laws to really really be  interesting but then at the   same time   he's so good I just have to  pick him   as  the best cast member you know yeah so
and Jim is mentioning to us that he  wrote a big essay about the goodness of  the card and why Kirk is better so we'll  have to read that  you've been  collecting the essays in a  special place right I have them in   a
special place   you know what  my mug   I  ordered we should have mentioned this   before if  anybody wants to  order  a junior watch a  Star  Trek for  the first time mug   you  know there's there's a link somewhere  on
the blog and you   can  just order it  otherwise you can write an essay   and  possibly win the mug and I ordered  myself a mug and it should get   here  today it might   be  products right   now  I  kind  of can't wait
hey are we giving a mug for the best  Deep Space nine   SAT I can remember if we  were  doing  that just the picard kirk   it  was just  the Karmapa side of this  it's  just the picard kirk unless you want   to  spot the money for the best each space   9
ok  we're   just going to do  that for the  picard kirk 10 all   right  this is John   this  is so exciting   right here  are you ready  we're about to count  down  10 worst and 10 best episodes of the  entire next generation yeah I this is
exciting  okay um  I'll   I'll start on the worst and  you can start on the best okay okay you  start on the worst so 169 best episode   of the next  generation yeah Wow is  symbiosis   because that's how yep so  it's
about drugs  that's I forgot to put that  one   on  kind of amazing right   that there  are actually nine worse than symbiosis  yeah I totally forgot   to put symbiosis  on no that's a that's a good one   I can't  believe I  I didn't mind symbiosis so
much hmm this one wasn't nearly as   bad  as symbiosis but I had to put it on as  my 169th and I put who watches the  Watchers because I think every once in   a   while you want a little  bit of TV that   just strikes you in the wrong way that
you kind of get a sense that what the   writers were writing about and what  their their opinion was and what they're  trying to say is something that you  don't yourself believe  in and disagree  with completely and   and maybe this isn't
the case maybe this isn't what they  meant but I kind of got the impression that one of the  who watches  the Watchers is that any  society  that starts down a path of logic  and reason that religion is completely
out of place and is completely like  de-evolved and that was the big concern  in  that episode  because and I think  there's a reason they take Vulcans or  proto Vulcans  in that episode  because  they're trying to say well anyone who's
logical and reasonable wouldn't come to  any sort  of conclusion that religion is  is you know valid in any any sense and I   think because I always  kind of I kind   of  joke around about how anti religion Star  Trek is but I really got the   sense  and
who watches the Watchers  so that's why I  had to kind of throw   it in there  even though symbiosis was way worse uh-huh good throw   Jon good  throw yeah so  what's your what's your 170th favorite  episode my 170th is suddenly human maybe
I relate to it better if I appreciated  running alongside the river there was   a  river and I ran along that's pretty good  my 107 is night tears  it has some  of the  most vivid Deanna Troi sausage casing  infantry in the show so   170 tonight
tears  what do you want  verbal I like nightmares am I the   only  person who likes my tears you're the  only program I'm yeah okay so I'm moving  on in my 171st favorite the outrageous   Makana really without how 171st
yeah okay my hundred and seventy first is imaginary friend where they meet the  little girl who is evil and and then they say something to the at the   end to   ER like you you're  not supposed to do  anyways just  kind of dumb it was  just a
little evil girl and they don't like it  yeah okay so what's number   172  for you  Joe for  me  that's right   a matter of  time  and once again that I hated this one a lot more than everybody else but that's  the one with Max Headroom  where he's the
C from  the 21st   century and  he starts  stealing stuff on the enterprise and he  was really really annoying in it and he  talked annoying and he bugged me but not  only that everybody on the crew was an  idiot in the episode and I didn't like
how any of them were reacting to this  guy okay well that that's a that's good   plan   9  and I know you really really didn't  like that episode   from my 170 second is  the loss
it's a Deanna Troi episode probably the  worst Deanna Troi episode as I looked down the rest of my list  it was just uh  and I think I picked   it as my favorite  episode  of that podcast oh  and your  least favorite wasn't   that  was it was it
one  of us I don't  know but it was it was  it was bad so anyway so am I on to 173  is it my turn again   uh yeah yes okay so  170 the 173rd favorite episode is  journey's end good one  cut was terrible yep
you know we've discussed  it at length so  already  so yeah it's come up a bunch of  times and once again that's a worse  episode than who watches the Watchers but you know so it should have been   on   mine as well as  in biosis but I ain't
put it on okay  my one hundred and  seventy third is  Samaritan snare where a   Geordie gets kidnapped  by the short bus  and it was annoying   it  was horrible   and  and then once again they taught annoying  and surprisingly this race is not
eradicated like they talked about the  pack loads and the other episodes which  I  don't get  but it was a bad episode   okay  yeah 174   and Jim says  Samaritans  snare is unbelievable why would they  even  try to get Geordi back because I
just mean   okay  174 is force of nature and that's  the environmental episode but not only  is that  the environmental episode  but  it's also the data talking about spot for a half-hour episode before they even
get  to  the environmental episode and  then when they get to the environmental  episode it's super lame and horrible and  it  said a lame precedent that there are  speed limits in space and it thus hindering space exploration and the joy
of discovery and everything it's just a  huge buzzkill  of an  episode oh man why  they've been so irresponsible   in space  okay um my 174th is masks because   I just  hated it I   hate it I hate it all the all  the I know that some  people just love it
when brent Spiner gets to go crazy on  some of these characters but   i just  couldn't stand it and then like the  whole confrontation at the end where  they're both wearing those ridiculous masks and having I just   oh I hated it  so
on there huh it would have made my list  if I paid attention   during the episode   but I didn't  really yes I kind of get  bottom  10 really bottom three really  no  no  no bottom five oh there's more  left  okay
bottom five okay so my 175th favorite is galaxies child   oh they were  fighting  against pasta that was giving birth and  Geordi was a Geordi this was such a bad Geordi episode yep pasta um where are   we  175th everybody okay bottom four here
lessons when the subpar woman seduces  the card and he turns into an idiot and  and they played music together and he  shares that sacred flute with her it was  it was blasphemous  lessoned is horrible   it's like he betrayed  the love of his
life isn't it yeah it really is the love  of  his life that  never happened that  never happened or even  Vash  it's like he  betrayed Vash or even Kamala  or a pressure okay   pressure yeah any  okay so was that your 175th yeah oh it's
176 for me yeah and maybe   this  doesn't  count but shades of  grey  because you  don't even remember this one do I have a  hard time remembering   in gym  it's it's a  flashback episode yeah I think the gym  says it even he  doesn't even agree that
it exists yeah I remember the dream I  remember thinking season  two and they're  already doing a flashback episode and  they thought of the dumbest flashbacks  to flashback tale yeah  and it was like  one of those late   was like  Tinkerbell
there was like  one point where like   Riker  wake up if I   believed enough you  might wake up and you know   I really  collapse her hands or something   and then   the bell comes back to life  yeah I hate  the gray is horrible no one likes shades
of  gray I think it's I think shades of  gray is actually   officially  the worst  Star Trek episode the most reviled oh  that's interesting okay   from I 176 I'm  going to go with the price and I you know I just   I'm like gosh  dude but first
the fact that like   Deana  like well the  women of the enterprise will fall in love with anyone this shows interest  even remotely and then this guy's like  the worst human there  is and like so  when when he  when she finds out  that he
she's in love with him because he's been  using mind powers over her whatever she  gets a little offended but then he goes  up  no she gets  offended that he's been  using  his mind power his beta Zed powers  for the negotiations but then he said
well it worked on you anyway I hated the  price I hated it okay and in my own  time  let's see you know HP laughter yeah so  my 177th favorite episode is   the cost  of  living  hmm yes  okay the mud nap   one the  mud bath and I think I've already tipped
my hand is 178 favorite or my   least  favorite  episode of  all Star Trek next generation  but go ahead John 1:7 yeah yeah okay  177th is the outrageous little   Kanna  there he is folks   psyche  data have you
ever loved  the actor the emotion they're  both the   same data they're both the same   anywhere's we make boots when they rode this episode they must have thought that  what an awesome character this guy's  awesome he's terrible so John that uh
that brings it down to your least  favorite Star Trek The Next Generation episode period yep and it is actually   you just said it it's cost of living  when we actually talked   about this I  seem to recall mentioning watching cost
of living is the   first time I've  regretted starting this podcast with you  because it was  not fun at  all like all  of these other even all   of these other  like lousy episodes I kind of enjoyed  watching them and I enjoyed making fun
of them but no cost of living  I just  offended and irritated and I wanted to  do anything else   than watch  cost of  living   mm  no I'm so I am so shocked   by  what Jim's wondering why justice isn't on   our bottom ten list I actually  kind
of like justice   I kind of like yeah yeah  Jim if you listen   to our episode where  we talk about justice I think   that was  our favorite episode of that   podcast  it was  first season yeah but now my  least favorite episode and I'm surprised
it's  not even on your list  it's menage a  troice yeah and I knew those Madonna's  inland yeah how  did that not make your  list  how did that not make  your list   I  thought you had who watches the Watchers and you didn't have manometer I know no
Menasha Troy  I kind of I like I I do  remember liking a   lot more than you  because I could get into the silliness  of it   and I had a lot  of   I think  I   have  so much fact for the Ferengi technology and we
didn't mention this with Ferengi  technology but maybe this even beats the Ferengi subspace beaming technology  where they beam people  naked I had so  much respect for that like oh yeah  there's  a beam a couple of naked chicks
on board  I have respect for  that I know  that sounds like a horrible   person but  I  can't not respect that kind of  technology all right well John here we go buddy  wait one more   thing I may as well  just
list this because you know some people  are wondering like why there were some  that I didn't say but the I had I had a  big long list of shows of episodes I  hated and so these   are  the ones   that  didn't quite make   my bottom 10 of hate
and so they were code of honor   hero   worship  encounter at Farpoint interface  liaisons   the loss manhunt  masks new  ground  the price and  two shortest season  so quite a few you   could fill an entire   season of the  next generation with
episodes you hate it yeah it's true  alright 26 oh here we go now this isn't  just our opinion this is fact this is  scientific  fact that  this is the 10 best  episodes of Star Trek The Next Generation number 10 John go okay   and  I
tried to spread it out a little bit   so I  actually went with mice well actually  this wasn't my favorite first series  sees an episode but I have a special  place  in my heart  for the episode called  conspiracy and kind of like you want are
the  Watchers there are some that are a  lot better but this is the one that had   the guy who explodes at the end with the  worms living an item and and it was not  quite a Star Trek   episode it  was it was  more like  just kind of bad  60s sci-fi
that  I loved watching  yeah it was  awesome  yeah  okay well 10 for me is  lower decks hmm excellent yeah we've if  you listened to the podcast we talked  about it   a lot the last  couple podcast  but I really really liked
or decks  really really like lower decks   so number  nine always   answer  yeah   Tamra  9 is tapestry yeah I love tapestry one  of the best  cue episodes one of the best   Picard episodes you know  and one of the  best  time-travel episodes maybe I guess
not time travel but um you   know it goes  back and sees his pass and figures will  you know he can  make his present better  by fixing his past but John we are who  we  are in the present because of our  past regardless of the stupid things we
did and I don't   know I just  I thought it  was great I'd love to yeah I really  liked my favorite part of tapestry  actually you know what I'm going to not  say anything  about tapestry at this  point  okay
my ninth favorite is conundrum and I  just barely replace this last a minute   but that's  the one that makes no   sense  because any  aliens who have this  technology would not need the technology  the enterprise because  that's the whole
point of it because they would have more  powerful and it's this great amnesia or   anything  but it was just hilarious to  see how the crew related to each other  with the blank slate  yeah like Worf he's in charge and   ro
she's obviously sleeping with  Ryker  it  was just an assumption she came up  with  and he does a bartender and and then  there's this weird guy that's not in the  cast he just seems like one   of them  who's not what he seems
now conundrum was a really fun episode I  like that one yeah   okay  number eight for   me   Sarek  which dearth of Vulcans   in next  generation  which is a huge next  generation problem where are the Vulcans
but we have this really big Vulcan in  this one and about him but mostly it's about Patrick Stewart   purging the  emotion out of  Serik in some really  great acting so  CEREC was really good  absolutely okay well my   number  eight is
rightful heir well yes right  Blair  right Blair  fantastic number seven conundrum oh wow my conundrum I didn't think that as   I  can under be your conundrum yep  Wow okay and we've already talked about
that okay well my   number seven is lower  decks my lower   decks beat your lower  decks good change of  pace lower decks  and comes across really well like on  paper  it  probably wasn't as good as how  it actually turned out which turned out
really well  which is me carrying  about  these teenage characters that I never  seen before and you   good-looking  she's   alright  my sixth my tapestry beats your  tapestry  oh man this  is starting   to suck  my ok  avorite part of tapestry that I
was going to say was how we all have   that like I wonder  what would have  happened if we went after this girl that  we never went after you know you always  have that regrets and the card   actually  did that and it turns out to be a worse
decision and nothing  else would feel  better yeah yeah   that's  that's good   ok  my  sixth is yesterday's enterprise  thoroughly enjoyable  I enjoyed the field I enjoyed the story  I don't know I just  I really liked it I
thought it was  great it was   just like  you know you're in the normal enterprise  and then all of a suddenly the  enterprise looks totally different and  like it was but it   was really just  concerning   for Minos  I go ok yeah   ok it
was a oh I loved it yeah ok which gives  me  mine 5 which is who I am and I think   I've put  this on here probably just for  the  share high on phonography I don't  know it was just it it was a very very  ionic episode it's kinda like whatever
whatever yep come on an original  series  of Spacey  yeah station yeah yeah like that as I   just like  borge and that   said that  their spores  more I'm I got my   first four  yeah yeah I
thought I thought of the best probably  the best we were   getting episode yeah  I'm not gonna say anything   about  that  oh don't  gotta love it my fifth favorite  is the defector   I think I like this  one  more  than you did  but I just liked he
was probably my favorite character   I  just the conflicted guy and he  really  made  me believe  it  and James  floyen my favorite my favorite  guests so I'll I would   after a lot that  would have been   a good category favorite
character in the whole show yeah  anything I would have been good okay so  my force that okay what's your fourth it's Q who you just mentioned it and I thought   it was a  lot  of people were best of  both worlds
fans but I I think there's no comparison   I think the the tension in  Q who is way  bigger and it just it I think the  potential for the Borg was more exciting than how the Borg actually turned out I  actually find that the Borg pretty dull
after Q who and Q was better in in Q who  than anything else he was in   in most of  the other ones he's kind of playful and  fun and just kind of annoying but in Q  who he was really scary  yeah and that's be near you a   girl's
game yeah deadly serious  I  thought it   q  who is the best  okay well for my number  for my defector beats your defector oh  dang it really oh man that'll show you why  didn't you like defector  why didn't you
like that what's your problem  so  now is a great  episode great a  ethical episode great I just thought it  was great and then the ending was just  so yeah what  what a great in it yes okay was good   but
let me just say junior the defector   was  good but it wasn't top for good   haha  okay well my number three is  chain-of-command part two with uh our  friend mr. Warner playing  gol Madrid and  then some fantastic acting by the   Picard
it was that was one fantastic episode   yes off  off the   chain hook  off the   chain  of command hook yeah all right so you're  number times on my number three is my  chain of command part two ties your chain of command part two but I attacked
so I win yeah and   um and I'm trying to  think of what your second might be   I  think  I might know what it is  I'm not  totally sure hmm okay well anyway chain  of command part two   he was really good  David Warner versus Patrick Stewart
really  good acting usually don't  notice  acting but my number two and you've already mentioned it and this is just  when I think  of awesome times  watching  Star Trek as a kid I think  of this one  maybe maybe I put it way too high but I
love yesterday's enterprise because I  love  that other world that  could have  been and I love the  direction they did  with it and I love the high stakes   the  only problem I have   with it is you read  on memory alpha that not only does Riker
die but it they had everybody else die  they had data get electrocuted and fall  apart  and written into the script  they have Wesley get decapitated   why  didn't they put that in the episode can  you imagine how many Star Trek fans
would  have like a moving gif  is their  icon of Wesley getting decapitated  it  would be the most popular image in Star  Trek history  the gun could in the  episode why not anyway so that's my big complaint   about
yesterday's enterprise and but it is my  second favorite next generation episode  I love it it's really   too bad that  the  Federation is at peace because wartime  enterprises way cooler  oh I know yeah all right it's go time
third hurts   no your  side second my  second favorite episode   of Star Trek The  Next Generation is  Sarek  I thought the acting was absolutely  amazing   yeah  fantastic   absolutely  gut-wrenching acting I didn't and I
didn't even think   that  I thought for  sure I thought  sorry I liked  cereth more  than you  yeah no  okay   in  fact I was real  tempted to put  CEREC first  to be quite  honest really   well you couldn't well  based on   what you're going to say  next I
think so is it your number one or is it  my number one   you want me to go it's my  number one  but if I think we're in  unison we can try a unison thing or I can  just  say it I'll just say it I know  I already try the unison thing do you
want to try the you know something  sure John the best Star Trek The Next  Generation episode from season  five is  inner light  plentiful okay so far  no  it's it's  it's  inner light is in her  life no you're right you're right I was
so excited  to say to fajn I think no uh  no inner light is great and   Jim is going  nuts he's   actually I actually hear  him  yelling right now   even  though he's   just  chatting I guess he hates the inner lion  I don't
know I guess he's not human  but that's whatever  but I knew  you  couldn't pick  CEREC is your number one  because it won't examine umber through  you actually said well  no you  said when   we talked about  the inner light you said
now the rest of next generation it will  just be a contest to see if any other  episode beats inner light   and you  haven't said that sense so I knew it would be in   your number one it  was awful  my number one  because I I  couldn't find
another one  that affected me more and  yes yes   Jim over chain-of-command part  two and over family family um yeah  family   that's yeah  that didn't make my  worst list or my best list but you know whatever  fan I mean it's okay  but I mean
I  think I don't  think we're alone here   okay I think  we're alone here   in saying  that the inner light is the best Star  Trek The Next Generation episode I think  a lot of people think  that although you  sometimes I don't  agree  with crowds but
in this case I totally do  yeah  also it should be remembered that  when we started this I said that this was scientific fact  yeah and that was  that you can't even  you can't even organize argue science
even argue yeah it's science but no  inner light actually biggest emotional  response from me I guess I'll just say it that   way  that's my best reason for  putting  it  number one oh man I mean the whole life
he lived and it was  fantastic  and it was  just he  was so happy and perfect  and  content and then it just all freakin  ended it just ended yeah you know and then he's back to whatever and so he's  like  experienced  60 years   of life and
then he's back on  the stupid enterprise  and always  God is that that  uh what do  you call   it that  Luke dorky flute yeah  yeah yeah I think  Katherine for me  the  reason the big moment that I knew it was  like the episode for me was when they
just come back from commercial   and and  they said shoot my memory  office isn't  working because I can't remember his  name  but not better buddy or not his  best buddy his best buddy his name   was  but I and they come   back  from commercial
and in Picard has a son I think   and they   said they were naming  him but I or they  they said something   about the tie  and  how he's no longer with us about how he  died the like last year and I was like  but Ty's gone I love that guy
how can my friend die like   that oh but I  don't know I guess I guess we just were  both fooled both emotionally and manipulated by  the inner life hahaha  absolutely yeah oh all right how exciting was   that
finally no you know what  what the best  and worst episodes are and also actually  can I say my my short list of other ones that  I liked  indeed you can cause and  effect  conspiracy on  the short list   I  forgot to erase it the   dolfe on first
contact hollow pursuits the measure of a  man the big goodbye which would have  been my representation for season   one  and the big goodbye  I would have put on  because it asks the big huge question  about perception of life and like what
is life how do we know you know what the  consciousness of other living things and  it just kind of subtly asked that  question just toward your very end and  that's what I try to  mask moment  are you  talking about measure of a man
I'm actually not  talking about measure  man but  that  asks the same thing   too but  the big guy kind of there is the   possibility that these  things are alive  and it just kind of throws out  the  possibility  just a little bit just kind
of ask the questions doesn't even bother  trying to answer so   while  I'm I'm  shocked that  measurement  man didn't make   your list I thought you loved that  episode  I really do  i I thought measure  man was great  but didn't  make my list it
was  a data  also so I hated it okay   all   right well that's  that   so now that  I  think we have left is to get down to the  business of the   future  of the   gr watch a  Star Trek  for  the first time podcast  right yes and and you've been let me
just ask you've been getting the the essays about whether or not to go on to  deep space 9 I have I've read the essays   and they're all good they're all  personal  or some of the  arguments I mean  did you were there any that affected you
well here's we're all hashed out here so  here's here's my arguments  and some  of  these come from  the essays so number one  the the whole point of this   experiment  that the purview of this experiment was   to  watch everything original Star   Trek
next generation movies and that was that  was the scope of the project right  yeah  and so deep space 9 would  be   kind  of outside that I don't know what we  have to   change the podcast gr washes   Star  Trek spin-off for the first time   I
don't know so there's that the other problem is the  time thing it's seven seasons   it is a  lot of more show to watch and I know  that someone's wife was especially excited that he was going to be done
podcasting  so really is that yeah now on  the other   hand  there were some stories  that that  I  really started to enjoy  towards the end of the next generation   that were not  fully fleshed out   number  one is probably the Kardashians what a
fantastic villain and I think the next generation  never really got into it or  took advantage of that and   I  know that   that's a big element  of   Deep Space nine  also  The Verge Oren's and not in the  whole situation there and   I think  from
what I understand it starts to get into  not painting the Federation as like all good and whatever you know maybe there's like you know the good guys   are not so  good sometimes and so there's some some really good   reasons to  uh to watch that
and there's some unanswered questions   some stories that happen to have been  resolved and  I'm also hoping that that  in Deep Space  9 they go back  to  conspiracy   and we see some worm throat  people yeah so now some of the things
that  I gathered for some of the emails   it's just as far as part pioneering goes  one good reason is   that neither of  us  have really seen Deep Space nine   generally on  much TV space   night so it's  kind of like a both perspective thing
another   reason  is   that many  of our   listeners haven't either and you know  many of them many of them love love   Deep   Space  nine and have and say there's a  lot more to talk about in Deep Space  nine then next generation but then again
there will be lots more who will be  doing it along with us   and so it's more  of  a  kind of veteran coming and then another  thing another reason is that no one is  watching Deep Space nine so this would
be kind of  internet II unique  okay   yeah  all   right um I guess another thing  was  what something awesome   oh there was  another argument I care is it how about  this that Hawk from Spenser for hire is  in charge of Deep Space nine   uh-huh
that's that's  definitely an argument no  the other one I was going to say is  apparently we have to trudge through a  couple mediocre seasons before  it picks  up and that was that was kind   of  painful  in the next generation and and let's see
what's a another good argument against it was probably that um I've got to have  like 20 different television shows   that  I've got all  cued up John what am I  going to get   to  him what am I going to  get  all so now we have an artist 9 is
more important than  glee oho is it  is it   now the point was also brought up that  if we do the Deep Space  9 podcast will  it interfere with me and you and Josh   doing the Walker Texas Ranger podcast I  wasn't aware that we were  going to but
apparently  is fact and so so I guess  there's nothing   to it but to do it uh I  guess  I get ok save is it me now I am  yep I'm   down I'm ready  here we go  I've decided that I   will not mr. Worf    five


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