Podcast 63: The Best of One World

this chair watches Star Trek for the
first time podcast 63 bay the final  frontier these are the voyages of the Starship Enterprise its five-year mission to explore new worlds to   seek  out new life and new civilizations to  boldly go right this week if I noticed
you still use the   same space the final  frontier intro in every single  episode  and  from the beginning just so did you  finally start listening   to  them I had to  because only on about half of the ones  on  our blog did you list our end  of the
season  words I had  to go back   and listen   to half of the season wrap-ups to find  my old  awards oh wow  you  did it that  way I just   did  it all  from scratch yeah that was going to take  a long time although there were some
categories that basically forced me to  go back and look at every single   episode  so I feel like  I did a pretty  comprehensive review Wow good for you I  guess  now is a good time to officially  start I don't know if I'll throw all
that little   talk  in   there or not but   let's  just say we're going now right  okay okay   this much junior  watches Star   Trek for the first time in KJR  yeah I'm  John I'm   from Salt Lake City  that's  usually how we   attention this  is   junior
Honolulu and I know it sounds like we're  in the same room  but we're really half a  world away yeah just imagine when we do  this like 50 years from now   one  of us  could be  on a  different planet  it's true as for now though all  I all I
can do is go  outside and look  at the  moon and realize  that somewhere  underneath the same bright moon you're  podcasting with me yeah and it's really   weird because the Sun is really  shining  bright right now is the moon seriously
out  or you  know John I just felt like  Fievel for I just felt like   iron you  know Fievel you know as a kid I used to  love that and I thought it was adorable  and then I kind of manned up um okay  anyway this is really special and we're
really excited  because  we're not   even  talking  about any episodes  this week we are just well any we're not  summing up any episodes we're just going over the   entire  next generation the  goods the bads  we have several
categories we have  several rankings lots  of listeners sent in their stuff   we were   overwhelmed with with what people have  been  sending in so um doesn't scratch it  what several categories that's an  understatement I mean I would love to
compare this to  our original series  wrap  up because I think this is way past what  we did for that   oh I know  yeah   alright  you know I I think the   original series  is better than next generation but the  next  generation podcast wrap  up is going
to be better than   odd cast wrap so  that's one thing next generation has  going for it  that's  an award   right there  fast yeah podcast wrap up next generation but we don't get   to that  until like a few
podcasts from now when we compare   the  two  I am we got three movies ago and  then we can do that for movies and for   four because and or three more movies we have seven movies   oh wow that's  a lot of  movie watching
we got like  after this coming up we got  generations generations we have first  contact contact and then maybe we'll  just do one podcast where we talk out  Trekkies Trekkies   to and Galaxy Quest  and then nemesis then note then
insurrection  a lot  of people forget   interaction  those are that   interaction  and the Nemesis okay nemesis has a  parent I just learned this you saw  inception right it's got the title   uh  is  that that new crazy movie haven't you
seen it  yet didn't we talk about this   last time I haven't seen yet John I'm  sorry  one of the one of  the cool   guys in  it one of the guys on their team is in  is  in that  movie insurrection and not in  season nemesis sorry nemesis and he was
really cool my nemesis   yeah that's so  cool in them no he was really cool in   inception  option but not   so cool  when   emesis  yeah yeah I haven't heard very   many good things at all about  the
next-generation Star Trek movies especially  the last two  oh really yeah   I am holding myself back   from speaking of it at this  time in the  mind remember if nemesis has even a star on them on Netflix  we'll all  right
that's that's for the future hey  generations I think   is on Netflix  streaming right now  we don't even have  to rent it isn't first contact is  regeneration is  not however and then  again nemesis or insurrection isn't but
nemesis is John if you'll remember and I  do fondly  the you and I saw generations  out of the movie theater together  I  don't remember  thanks a lot jerk you don't   we're Steven  am in there no but Jake Willis was no
because I remember seeing generations  with Steven Hammond but I don't remember seeing it with you   oh you  just   ought to   get  with Jake and Peter without me   I am positive Jonathan Madson now  you  know why did I even do this  podcast in
the  first place  I don't know it's all a  fraud because apparently you've seen  Star Trek before  alright alright   hot-diggity-dog  do we have any crazy news  before we just  get going because this this has   the
potential to be a long podcast it it  does although I mean it's   alright it out  though or it might just go really quick  yeah  okay I have a little  bit of news  okay first of all and I know I'm  forgetting something   but shout out  to a
few new loot a few new listeners Adam  who sent in his top  ten that I don't  know you  probably noticed that  it came  your  way and his top ten is kind of  similar to mine although   he  is wrong in  a few places and also David who I don't
know  if you caught this but his email  address said yale.edu  so  he's probably on crew at Yale   the guy  with the megaphone strapped to his face  they do that idea   on the crew yeah I  think I  think so I'm glad that  we've
broken through   to the Ivy League yeah no  that's pretty sweet that's pretty sweet  but yeah  David uh a couple of hours and  emails  so I hope he listens to  us while  he's punting yeah no that's cool I hope he has a v-neck sweater draped around
his shoulders oh we're not making fun  we're having fun we're   just happy yeah  yeah okay   anyway that was all I had  oh and one more thing  and I didn't tell  you about this but I think we have to do  this I just   found a  Rand   okay you've
just finished watching all   of next  generation and I just found a random  quiz online   it's just really quick let  me just ask you these and see if you  really indeed have been watching let's  see  if you pass the Star Trek  The Next
Generation test okay you ready yep okay here we go  all  right wharfs position on the  enterprise was chief security officer he   replaced the first chief security  officer of the USS Enterprise  what was
her name   Josh  er I don't   know  uh you  said Tasha Yar yes the answer is  actually not Tasha Yar Oh   a  couple I'm  sorry I guess I get that one wrong well  actually account that is wrong I can't I  can't really go to the next   one  it's
actually  multiple choice  so you probably  got  the closest to the boot camp that is  right  well count that at all thank  you  okay moving on  oh wow is that  a weird sound  okay  ensign ro Laren had an intimate
relationship   with a member of  the   enterprise's senior staff who she got   reicht  very good well actually I don't  know if it's right yet let's see if it's  right oh that is right   yeah a little  beep there okay what what's the exact
name  of the USS enterprise that  was  commanded by  jean-luc Picard I don't  know it's the enterprise-d I don't know what the full breakup is   II   don't even know the number n  c---seventeen   man ok finding NCC  one
seven zero one  D that was close   pretty  good I got I got the letter right yeah  since  its multiple-choice I'm not  reading you the multiple choices because  that would be too easy but since you didn't get it under normal circumstances
I'd call you wrong  but  since it's  multiple choice I'll call you right okay the Ferengi have a common code of  conduct what's the name of this code   yo  Jimbo   here here are  the choices the  principles of the Grand Nagus the
teachings of Kahless the rules of  acquisition the guidelines of wealth   how  about the rules of acquisition or the  guidelines well or anything but the  Kahless no you're right the rules of  acquisition very good we dare you  only
I'm not  sure if we talked about  that we  may have because that's a huge thing   in  deep space   9 in this quiz might be  getting  it mixed  up I think we have  mentioned it once though all   right what  our pattern enhancers used for  oh
they're transporter booster  maybe their  device is used to amplify the signal  lock of transporter signals yeah okay  see if that works  oh right which species possesses  cloaking technology  which two species
possess cloaking technology ie the technology to make ships undetectable  okay if I'm correct the Federation does  but they've agreed  to not use it and  then also the Romulans that's not a choice
Klingon Raghavan   tilde  choice   I didn't  know the Klingons had the cloaking  technology I thought that was a Romulan thing did the Klingons cloak as well I  don't  know  okay well you missed this one  I'm putting Frankie and Vulcans roasted
it was actually Klingons and Romulans  the  Klingons had cloaked ships what are  you talking about okay sure   sure well you missed  it  because   your Boca does  that mean it's  done now there are a couple more
questions let's  give X one because that one's  done  earth is part of the   Federation  of  Planets which  species is not part of  this Federation   Vulcans and Dorian's  Betazoid Klingons her um let's let's go
to Klingons John you know according to a  few episodes ago   the  Federation does  have a cloaking  technology buddy  I'm a  little anyway  alright fine fine   is it Klingons Klingon ease again you're  right
Oh hot dog  she was a legendary first  emperor of the Klingon Emperor   Empire  it's going to be Bill Blair yes that's  right because I already went   to the next  one it's actually   Kahless okay  fine last  one last one okay it shows a picture
here of some Klingons holding some stuff  and the question is what  are the  swords  called that the Klingons are holding so  imagine a picture of some Klingons and  they're holding  something   what are they holding is it  up yeah
actually it   is sebat left  okay I'm gonna  say Bach guitar okay I don't  we're bogged art comes from maybe that's  from I think it's some   kind of desert  galaxy gal Creek West maybe   ok a bucket  are there are a couple more questions
maybe I'll ask them to you later yeah  maybe but you will yeah so but so far I  think you only missed one so I guess I  guess you passed next generation and  you're not required to watch it all  again ah it's good pass the final   ok  I
guess we're ready to go into  Awards then  you have mall filled  out  I do  let's at art how long did it take you  anyway several days it probably took   me   about  three hours   like just  with all the cut and pasting like over  a
period   of  like   two days  I'm so proud of  you John   and you're having it's so fast  okay anyway we're going we're   going  to  start with um award categories that some  of you have sent in yep and then we'll  do a few augment augmentees that   john
sent in and then we'll go on   to the but  major categories big list first of all  we have a few of   Nick's  picks for awards  and stuff like that and I think if we  have this correlated correctly the first   one is episodes in which  laksana   Troy
appeared is that right best blocks on a Troy episodes and worst  blocks on trips that's all that you want  to do worse than best we can do it that  way   sure okay let's do worse and best  okay   this you want  to give his pick   oh I
didn't write his pick down okay I'm not   we got a lot of categories in  for people  we didn't get a lot of their picks which  actually will probably make this go a  little faster um but let's go with um  okay so for me
worst blocks on Troy episode is  Menasha  Troy oh really Manasa Troy but I have such a nickname  and there's nudity yeah there   there's   it's  not the good   kind of nudity and  then the this shows her pleasuring a
Ferengi  it's bad  that's true   no bad is   really bad  but there is   one that's far  worse  and that's the one called cost of  living  which is the one where she  was in  the mud bath and she tells Alexander the  most valuable life lesson of all that
sometimes it's important   just to enjoy  yourself  ah that's pretty  bad that up so  it's probably   gonna rear its ugly head  again maybe possibly okay well on the  other hand my favorite walks on a trail episode is the episode called half a
life which I mostly like because Charles and Emerson Winchester from  mashes in it  and he plays this  recital  sixty five-year-old who has to  kill himself ritualistically   dip when he  gets of that age  I agree on that do you
know yeah  yeah actually  a pretty good  episode yeah  kind of  sort of  good it might make an   appearance on my top ten list  actually   oh boy oh boy John keyword might okay  well
menage a Troy might make it might make  an appearance  on my top ten list as well  so okay  moving on to  most entertaining  shipwide ailment go ahead John okay okay   so there's only one right there's not  a  best and worst entertaining yeah just
the best okay the the most entertaining  shipwide ailment was that one where they all got drunk and they all slept with  each other  the naked maggot  okay I'm gonna go with the   Barclay  syndrome of course yes I'll be honest I
should have picked   that one that's a guy  you should  have okay how what was yours  for best hair or worse there do we do  worst first worst hair yeah and and bi I  prefer the aliens I stuck with like   headdress  things or yes   so I bet this is
basically the humans for my worst hair I  went with data oh really okay yeah   I my  worst day right with Tasha Yar it's  pretty bad  I  couldn't   manage yeah Seth  hey Deanna Troi oh don't you just want  to sleep in her hair yeah I do
maybe maybe  live   in it although I  considered  wharfs berries  in clean air  yeah  there's berries  in Kramer no no  cheese she has luxurious locks oh I  agree with you there okay well that all  I use all right John worst alien
headpiece the worst one is if you  remember  right the evil aliens in the  game I haven't written down somewhere else  but you remember   that woman  seduced   Riker  and gave her gave him that video
game that got the ship addicted the Butthead   Ian's  yes the Butthead Ian's I  wasn't sure if you remember her but yes  definitely the Butthead Ian's  in   92 she has a giant  butt   on her face   and that's  the worst skull head alien
design what do you think I'm gonna go   with  this delay from lonely among us and  it's just  like a giant cobra head  the  entire upper half of their body is   a   cobra  their Cobra so so that was your  your worst that was my worst yeah okay
what's your past the  Kardashians   oh of  course yeah I should have picked Kardashians  because strangely  out of all the aliens  I take for my best I picked this Olay from lonely among us
out of the hundreds of aliens I think your worst for my best looks like that's  like a anyway so I'm cool though like   I'm still like just the picture looks  cool yeah I would did the the people   that didn't  the the   people  that were
fighting with the   Salette there  were  their faces basically look like dogs  like Wallace yeah that was right   up   there too but my own  bro mentioned for  best alien head is the badge orange  because it's simple yet effective yeah   I
would agree with that  except it's not effective okay  then all   right lord I seems  though that's good  most interesting one time use never  again seeing prop  set-piece and I'm  going to go with the bridge from
yesterday's enterprise it rocked my  socks now nice and it looks   like I don't  have something here   okay that you all  had me clean up the burn   I will say the  the that talking pod in Haven that announced that Deanna Troi was
about to get married and it was just  this box with a face on   it  and the face  was  painted silver  like   the box  and it  was that thing okay  I  John what is your story episode   with  the closest to reality parallel
symbiosis  because it's close to reality  about drugs  drugs will ruin everything everything so um I'm gonna go with  family  oh right you know the  whole  episode was   just about  Picard back on
the farm right and   and it was  interesting because in the   future we in  in the brave new   world that exists in  the 24th century  it takes a village  and  we're all  socialists and so it was  actually a commentary on life back in
the 20th   century  because they don't  really have families in   the  future   yeah that's true it was almost like they  were relating  closely to us so now families   could also   is like a  is an honorable mention I put
force of nature because  they actually  use the term climate change in the  episode itself Google okay John it's  been pointed out the the silver box with  the silver face was actually played   by  someone so our apartment's   Armin
shimerman  played   works  who is a  character in deep space 9   that was what  we forgot  to say  in announcements at the  end of this episode we haven't said it  yet at the end of this episode you're  going to announce if you're going to do
d space 9  and up   my  papa that's right I  think I read maybe 10 essays there was  an outpouring of Si de yeah and you  wouldn't  believe how many  people like  wrote in and said you really shouldn't  do  Deep Space 9 like the majority  the
essays that was it I know that's weird  why would people even bother writing  those yeah it seems   like a waste  of time   for  that essay   no no  obviously everyone  wants  us to  continue on so we   will   discuss the various  arguments and then
we'll we'll  bring that up so anyway  that's for later   all  right John ah my  favorite   only   on seeing alien and I'm going with the  the bog  monster from skin of evil oh  that's a good one  oh I like that if it
talk  to me go burl  real   happy I take the  by NARS which I   don't  really like very  much but I kind of like the concept   of  them that their society  is is based on  computer language which I think it's very sci-fi  you know  I a hundred years
from  now we're all going  to look like  the by NARS  we're going to be paired  with a one in a zero and we're all going  to like speak binary because we're so  computers literate by then   I  John what  is your least favorite one time  scene
alien  okay and these guys didn't bug me   I mean no they bug me  way worse than  everybody else   because a lot of  people   really like this episode was an OK  episode but the satheri ins from the nth  degree
haha  I think they look so jolly   heard  the one guy anyway they're just so  they're so evil right it's like it's  like lalala I am too lazy to move   from  this section of my   eccentric part  of  space and so I will try to over here and
it will  be delightful   ah they bugged me  they bug me   um weird  old man  loading head  huh I'm getting a  phone  call hold on just a second  all   right John I turned my phone off  my my  house phone is off   wow  that's   committed
this is this is most important  okay  you  want to  know how  committed I am to   this   podcast  I haven't had a house phone in  seven years   that's  commitment   okay my least-favorite only one time  seeing a lien is the dough fall when she
becomes the alien oh yeah so weird looking I don't know but then your  favorite  right is when she becomes   mädchen  Amick  huh but I aha no okay anyway machen a  meek  I forgot about her  she might make
the cuter than Wesley in first season  award which  is coming  up   oh okay  okay  all   right I'll read this one okay pick  the worst  main cast hook  up and then in  parentheses under duress or under other  influence possibly alternate reality or
quote a vision oh okay so I'm doing the  sou da the best the worst main cast hook  up I'm doing  Tasha  and data okay because  we're in that crazy bad outfit and then  there was  did she  just what she asked  and did  she ask  him some weird weird
question and the by I don't his respond  to us I am fully functional yes so  apparently in his programming he's also  a gigolo yeah something like that   yeah  and yeah that's that   seems kind of  weird  that that that would be programmed   so
that dr. Soong would spend five years   of  whatever programming that but you know  uh and you know it's kind of weird  because data was looking for his humanity being for seven years why  didn't they just get him drunk again  has
he had all  his emotions he was able to  satisfy a woman and everything the whole   nine yards it seems like he  was pretty  much of their right in that very like  what well that was like the second  episode yeah well okay my least favorite
my worst main cast hookup was Troy and  Worf  but it was only  the third time they  hooked up or maybe it was the second  time when they both be evolved and  mutated into a frog and an armored raping machine so that  was the worst
hookup  what yeah they were it was pretty  bad  I  I don't think I could stand   for  that but the best hookup was in conundrum when  Roe and Riker hooked up because   Rose said well we're probably married so
let's hook up okay   now that um I'm not  sure this  discounts because it says main cast and  this is recurring character my my  favorite hookup is Barclay Indiana   oh  the end and I   think we  we   just left to
the conclusion yes  that there was a   hookup uh but if that doesn't  count  because she's not main cast and I'm  gonna go ahead and go parallels   Worf  Indiana  I love how you said she's not  main cast  Oh Oh Berkeley is definitely
in the main cast but Deanna Troi she's  no I wouldn't call her he's not she's  more of a recurring character yeah  comes on every now and then so   alright  that  is  so what's your uh your   D de jure  so that was all  next categories Nick
thank you very much  very good Nick and  now we're  on to Joey Smith who gave us  category and it's a good one yeah well  we only take to one  category from  his  because his other one kind  of held it  off into some other ones but alien
technology best alien technology yeah  and this one I had a dog on I think I've  kind of been   won over  on this one but  I'm just gonna have to go with the  Ferengi subspace shield penetrating transporter because it just it's really
an absolutely revolutionary alien  technology yeah I actually I actually went with Ferengi subspace shield  penetrating beaming technology okay it's  yeah  it's beyond the  pale  whatever that means I don't even know
what that term means I think   I used   incorrectly  but it's it's right out yeah  it's right it's right out okay you know  that we're we're feeling our oats when  we start quoting a the Holy Grail huh let's see okay   so  Tim   II has given us um
a few categories   all  right   floral action from data  is that that way   huh huh  yeah yeah you can start okay   well I'm asking the question to  you okay  not destroying all mankind and taking  over the cow
see our   beast attempting oh  we feel  pretty much okay  that's an interesting way to put it the  least plausible actions because okay you  took it in a  different direction  you  took it with the assumption that he's
the murdering killing machine and now my  guess is I took   it with like if he's  really so good why  would he do this so  like my least plausible is um  just  uh it is actually evidence  that he would take over the universe
okay   you know I'm saying  I'm   ding which  is which   is in the most toys when he's  beaming out and then he tries to he tries to kill Kiva's Fajo  and he was  unsuccessful  and then they say data  appears you fired your your phaser
trying to kill that  guy and data said oh  uh it must be wrong   I am lying to you  right now  and  data line yeah big fat  liar big fat liar I really got stuck up  on  that for a long  time  yeah well it's a it's a pattern it's the
beginning of a pattern of deception yep  so John what  is the action most likely  to result in an ejection from Starfleet  okay  I'm just just picture this whole  scenario here say you're Captain Picard and you have two dignitaries from an
alien  planet staying like not so well I  are they on the board the ship well that you're escorting two dignitaries who are  running for  office for world leaders and  there are two of them and then your  security chief beams over to one of   the
ships and stabs the guy in the chest one  of these candidates  I mean talk about  international like intergalactic incident but yeah I'm voting for when  Worf beams over and kills   Duras  good   and   I didn't remember that  also   ominous sign
of Simard I'm going to go ahead and so   watched out a lot officer  and I'm and  I'm  adding phantasms  can crack them  again I  can't   read that data does the real ovule  obvi that happen to have knowledge
change is amazing the record  ready it's  like they've lost   the audit asking the  scales about well it's kind of like  speeding everybody does it  so eventually like the you   know the the  force of it the weight of it just kind
of wears off after you know the   twentieth episode where  you see it  happen yeah and so yet but it's kind of weird  um it it would you would think  that Starfleet doesn't look too kindly  on stabbing to stab anybody stabbings
okay maybe that's why they   stab like if  you phasers somebody that would be  really bad but if you just   stab them oh  no no you can stab people  I mean we're  not going  to  throw people in prison for   that what  is this the Middle Ages go
ahead  Bob whoever you want  oh man that's good fun  okay you  are  annoying walks on a moment okay I can't  really pinpoint anything but   they're   probably had to be appointed  which  either she was asleep   or she was
off-screen and they were talking   about  her okay that might that may have  happened  yeah although I  don't know we  you don't have any proof   that she even  sleeps doing   I don't know  I just   put  when she was dating Charles from mash
but only back to the point up to the point where she gives the speech on the  stupid hats that the planet wears because she gives   us weird hat speech  it's kind of dumb yeah okay   okay well  that wraps up
Tim's categories next we have a couple  of categories from Trent Trent Cole yes  which is  a great name Trent Cole and  it's almost like Trent   steel trance feel  oh hello max power my name is Trent  steel you don't have to wait in   line
you've got  a great name  okay Trent that  is first category   that scientific  discovery go John um I I just put Dyson  Sphere he actually asked it in the question I'm  like yeah uh yeah the Dyson Sphere
Network okay I'm  going to go ahead and  go with a transporter stasis which is  apparently it has no time limit and I'm  taking  it from  relics right where Scotty  just threw himself in the buffer  and was  there for several hundred years   yeah you
could totally  just like Rumpelstiltskin  it up and and see what the futures like  yeah  yeah  there's no rewind but you know hopefully  it's he's just good but I mean   Searcy  maybe when people when people  are  about
to  die on a regular basis when people  are  about to die  they should just throw  them in the buffer yeah I think you know  we'll give it a   few years  we'll figure  out  Atta  welcome it will take you out of   the buffer  just as soon as we find a
cure for 17 stab wounds in the back yeah   oh wait I had another one  for this one   okay I had the least credible scientific  discovery okay and that was in   the  episode the neutral zone when they found  the three  human losers from  the 21st
century I think yeah same kind of thing  they were like in cryogenics  which is  kind of like the pattern buffer but less  safe all right  time travel episodes these favorite times arrow - no no no mine was a matter
of time starring Max Headroom and in a  very moronic crew of the enterprise  you   know why don't  I   even remember that it's  the remember Max Headroom   Radisson he  came  he's a time traveler oh yeah and he  started stealing stuff and and he was
actually just a petty thief  from the 22nd century 21st century or   sometime  okay but my favorite well um my  favorite  is actually different episode  but I'm not going to use it but I do  like  time scape which  checks no no not
time scape   I'm changing  my mind   on the  fly I'm gonna go  time squared  I'm not here  because I like   it  because it's where you  meet yourself from a different future  and   you talk  to   yourself and you reason
with yourself like Captain Picard did  and I thought it was kind   of  cool okay I'm gonna go ahead   and go with  firstborn   because  oh it's not a real  heavy time travel episode and you only  figure out the time travel is a part of
it at the end  I love that  at the end of  when the time travel was discovered as  how stuff happened that it   was like how  did you accomplish such a thing as this   so-called  time-traveling um but I have a  time travel bus yeah because we know the
time travel uh happened in this and it  was done in  order  to   change the past but  you  know what John you can't change fate  and maybe we shouldn't even be trying by  the way in the show Glee   I love that  actress that plays the Cheerios  uh the
the head cheerleader lady  once  again  Lynch of course she's gosh she is   so  awesome  anyway so there we go John did  you say your worst time travel episode  or your best what's your best no you did you  see I did x squared right
yeah no wait okay   she's  will an art who  the best worst seriously weapon system  that was only seen once   yeah you know I  didn't best and worse there was only  seen once uh   you did  I thought you did  no but if you  have if  you   have answer
service go for  it   okay I'll do I'll do  my answers because I   think my answers   are pretty important  come first the  worst the Ferengi foam laser whips   okay  and then the best that we only saw once the sitar an amnesia  ray  in conundrum
that's pretty sweet yeah those are both sweet worth  mentioning okay   alright go and do the  Willis next okay  now our friend and  listener Jake Willis I've submitted some  categories and I didn't know how  to deal
with them in fact it made me cry but  John was brave and yeah I'm John let you  take it hey do you want to read them to   me you  go  ahead  now cuz   you don't  have them  because I don't   have  them okay
the congratulations you aren't James  Tiberius Kirk award which   ya what do  you  do there  and  I hear what   that means yeah   I  pitch using the   Ferb  in the  crazy  technology that we'd never  seen use the main deflector dish
technology on the Borg   and having it  accomplished nothing  absolutely   nothing  that's the congratulations you aren't  James Tiberius Kirk award awarded   Riker  for firing the main deflector dish in
that one that's pretty good okay the Whoopi  Goldberg award can  be awarded to  the   most awkward and  out of place casting  job during  the whole series  and I went  with James Worthy  he played the giant
mute Klingon in gambit part   one or two  and then the cuter then   wil wheaton in  season one award which can be   awarded to  anyone cuter than will in season one so  this measure because he was the   cutest  person in in season one yeah   but I went
with Rhonda all rich as the secretary  into   big  goodbye remember her she   looked  like Victoria Jackson a little bit okay  the best data moment award  you didn't really even have a best data  moment uh offer   the best datum moment
award I'm probably gonna I think my  favorite might have been when he stabbed Troy in the chest okay well I had when he told that woman  that her son is   dead and hates her  ha ha  ha ha
your son is dead but if you were alive he would hate you you know you probably  the best data moment that is that's  pretty awful   ok the best episode were  Ashley Judd made a guest appearance I have the game  you  have nothing right   no
I  also meant for this  one too because I  think I can let me just gonna have to go  with the game that's probably probably  the winner there okay and that's all I  have I didn't really have another answer there okay so those are   the Jake Willis
ones that we didn't know what to do with  but  that  was pretty good okay   alright  now  we have  some Josh Fillmore   Awards  and I'm pretty sure   that this email was   moe   they making fun of us since  I've been
being made fun of from Josh   Filmore for  the last  33 years but all in fun so  let's see basically he wants to know who  would win   in fights  so the Romulans  and the Jawas I think  I'm going to go with the Romulans
because they're taller and although it's hard to argue the strength in numbers if  you  had like  a swarm of   Jawas perhaps I  don't know well no I went with the Jawas  because if you noticed the way  he  phrased it he said the Romulan and the
Jawas  ha ha there you go  he of one  Romulan  so if all the Jawas had  to fight  one Romulan I go with the Jawas okay there you go now let's the next one is Picard versus fever   win what do you got  John I went
with the card because Steve Irwin is  dead ha ha ha ha that's a fine argument I'm going   to  go with the   idea that fever  when they did the ones alive Steve Irwin  because on the other hand the card is  also fictional so  I I'm sorry it's did I
did I something  I don't know I'm sorry I  never really acknowledged that  till now  that's kind of a good point if it's true   I'm  sure   so I'm  going to go ahead and go  with even though Picard looks like  himself   in good shape I'm going to go
with Steve Irwin because you know that guy he was a scrapper yeah he really   want  to he wrestled alligators and  crocodiles and and other various deadly  animals um  okay   crusher versus the late  Estelle
Getty  are we lucky  Estelle Getty at the   8th she was in in the  Golden Girls   well  he phrased it the late Estelle ready   so she's dead ok it's  probably crusher yeah definitely crusher  on this one because   zombie Getty she
wasn't  -  she   was kind of frail in real  life so zombie Getty is probably even frailer  but seriously though if it was  Estelle Getty in her not so much prime  but as he was on Golden Girls  I can totally
picture her sneaking up behind crusher  and snapping her neck somehow okay   all  right  how about the Borg versus chud which is  Canopus a humanoid underground dwellers   which if you've ever  seen the movie
they're like   industrial sized garbage  bags with flashlights for eyes but I'll  go with the Borg on this one okay I'm  going to go  ahead and go with Judd  because I think it would be like  chimpanzees  going crazy
the Borg  their slow methodical but  the  judge would just they can't be stopped according to Daniel Stern they can't be stopped you know I  never saw Chun I should John  how did how did you understand the
episode in New York with  the  Simpsons  and the judge   sandwich heads  go  Oh Homer you can't blame New York just on the pinch and the   chud's  okay all right so what's the next one  clings on versus tear Ned I don't even
know what tear net is I meant to look this up I'm going to   google it really  really quick because I'm curious   I know   my gosh has something up his sleeve here  during it is it some Doctor Who thing I  don't  know  I'll go on to the next   one
while you're looking that   up in  native  versus Dolph Lundgren in the cage and um  hi I hate doing this because because  Dolph Lundgren is awesome but I think data it's always acknowledged that if he wanted to like he could like kill
anybody right  I mean he's  kind of  indestructible murderous however if Dolph Lundgren were given some inside information and was told where   the off  switch is data does have that off switch  which  is a real Achilles heel  but I'm
I'm  gonna probably go data on this one   um  I yeah I went with data because Dolph  Lundgren's in a cage  the way I read this  ha ha ha ha data for Dolph Lundgren in a  cage and xfo can he just phases him he  just shoots his  phase around him  data's
Washington  uh picks up the cage and  throws it off a cliff or some okay so I  just  looked up to your  name   uh-huh  it like doesn't exist but it it  did one of those   like  Google did you  mean things and it said did  you mean
Tiran 'add which is a fictional race  from Warhammer  40,000 tabletop wow I   have no idea so I'm gonna go  ahead and  go with Klingon yeah me too because all  they have to do is just knock the Warhammer 40,000 tabletop game off just
like knock it over  oh yeah  yeah okay   what's the next  one  Sulu vs. Swamp Thing did you ever see  The Swamp Thing I never saw one thing   yeah no oh my gosh no okay you  seriously  it was the other one you   haven't seen
we're dressing yeah   kay so seriously you   need to queue up chat  in the swampthing  immediately double feature that sounds  like a good one yeah  uh  was you quiet  you know I got to go with the Swamp  Thing because he has unnatural strength
and no I guess it depends on if they  were on dry land because he kind  of  thrives in the swamp also if   he were in  outer space because   you know if he was  in complete darkness because the Swamp  Thing thrives on the Sun because he's a
plan sort of but I think all in all  we're going Swamp Thing here well I go  Sulu I think   sue  just go Hulu and then  like get behind Swamp Thing because and  in that grab that he did in Star Trek  free  to that big guy with a   moustache it
was very homoerotic  and or get a sword  out and just you know although wait I   don't know why that has nothing  to do   with next generation though so maybe  we   should  throw   that question out  okay yeah  and then Josh's last quote question  I
would also like to see a race between  Riker   and a  gorilla well that's not  really  a question  that's more of a  statement  who would see  a race thank you  so the answer is agreed agreed I would just like to see a cute little
crash helmet stuck on  the  gorilla   you know when they  get their little  go-karts  because I  imagine that's what the race is like  gorillas  in a cute little  helmet   go-cart  helmet yeah so  okay all right  now we
have we have John's categories right yours  yeah these  are some   of  the ones I  thought of last minute okay   what is the  worst and the best alien ship you know  this was hard for me   because I  actually  did  like a huge on memory often there's
like a huge database of all   the alien  ships and I was looking through them  like okay that   looks a lot  like   that and  then that so   okay  worst alien ship this  is good you're going to say I'm cheating  because it's not really alien but I'm
going  to go with the enterprise-d  really  because it looks like  a sink  yeah it's  it's oh I know they were  trying to  modernize the look of the enterprise but  it took a real step backwards okay my  worst is actually the Cardassian ships
or one of the Cardassian ships it  actually looks like a shovel like just a  because that's what my favorite is the  Ferengi ships  I think look really cool  the kind of brown  and they're swept  forward and kind  of like spiky and just
kind of really sleek and smooth looking but then kind of sharp on the wings   I  think it's pretty cool well for my best  I'm I feel  almost  like I'm copping out  I'm just  going to go ahead and go with  a  Klingon bird-of-prey nicely classic
design did the little one right not the  Klingon Cruiser the bird of trades that   they had in Star Trek  3 that's with the   wings swept down  kind of diagonal the  one you see every time  you see a Klingon  bird-of-prey  that's the one I'm talking
about my  rifling because there is the  Klingon Cruiser that Kim Peck was on   it's  like way bigger and   it doesn't  look  as cool  ok then definitely the smaller  one okay   Jon the ugliest alien race ok  I'm going   to go with the dreamin from
penpals which is sad because it was a  little girl  but she was the ugliest little girl you  have gray out of fingers   and  yeah pretty  unattractive I'm gonna go ahead and go   with the Jenai  tonight you know oh wait
is that those   are the the androgynous  ones yes from  Outkast yeah oh that's  sad   how they they weren't  too bad   oh they  okay  they're  just looking the haircut  right like that  is a horrible haircut  like it's like what unisex salon did you
get that haircut in now from the  prettiest aliens I'm going to go ahead and go  with the creo syns from the  perfect  mate and it's not just famke  janssen but it showed several creations and they're all pretty attractive not to
mention  an eye I know we're going  strictly by physical attributes here but  also you know the whole metamorph thing that that's pretty cool   that's  true but   not anyways  all the   kre-o scens were  attractive and  she was really darn
attractive so I went with the aliens which I think um this day are going  lanit Hawaiians   know they're not  from  the   justice planet but the Hawaiians  they were in the episode  aqua l remember  a   qui L one  yet another girl that   Geordi
fails with is Shia Hawaiian she is a  whole   ian  yes  he's very cute   alright that she just  adds little ridges okay as a an  honorable mention I did the   angels from  the episode  angel  one which is the
planet controlled by Amazon women oh yeah yeah okay   alright so what's  next   the coolest / lamest  special effect okay  so lame first yeah I'm gonna go with a  crazy straws from emergence  oh that's a  good one that's a good one
the the  life form  that's crazy strong  yeah look at this new life forms we  found it in our Burger King Happy Meal   I  am going to put in in Genesis when the  when the crew  was de-evolving but then when data's cat
de-evolve  they didn't they didn't change  the cat with makeup  like they did the  rest of the crew they just like ah yeah  just just  stick a lizard on the set just   go ahead  and bring   that lizard  over and  replace it   with that  cat you just put
that lizard   what that cat was yeah okay  there go   well  that's good enough   that's  pretty bad has been pretty stupid   yep  pretty stupid  my favorite actually I had  a really  hard time spent so much time  like thinking like   oh look  at   that
effect look at that effect that was kind  of lame that was kind of lame I couldn't  think of one where we were like wow that was a really   cool effect but continuing  on with the lizard theme a when Jordi  changed into an invisible lizard and we
actually see him it's not that cool but  when he's like running through the  hallway and he looks like predator and   he could just kind of see the invisible  Ness of him that's what I liked okay  well there you go I'm gonna go   with the
Enterprise cloaking and phasing in  Pegasus yeah that Android man yeah   it  may not  even have been cool  I don't  remember what it looked like when   it  happened  it seems even it's Jojo  the  enterprise is cloaking  and then Phase II
Oh interesting yeah and  phasing you're right okay now  you're the worst doctor on the  enterprise-d we can we have a worse I  thought it was just the best  now there's worse dr. category the worst
doctor   um okay the lady  that came on and  and was like performing experiments on  people in ethics yes  yeah I can't  remember her   name  but yeah okay she was   a pretty bad  doctor I actually went   with dr.  Pulaski
from the second season   okay  she was just  she was old and she plus she was racist  against robot yeah that's true that's  true so  Jon then who's the best enterprise-d  doctor  dr. salar tonight  talked to her
yeah I I agree I also put dr. salar  night doctor of course not  just  Lara night doctor yes oh okay   okay next  okay are we this is just to our big list  now okay  no no no I threw these on as   a last
minute  John add-on  so we're going to do  the worst Twilight Zone episode and the Bell  so John worst Twilight Zone episode okay hang on I gotta go into an email here  because I just got a great email from
David David from Yale   or at least with  the Yale email   address because he he   actually sent in a list  we should probably post this email because this is like we barely got this  in but he he had a list of best   Romulan
episodes best Klingon episodes  and best  Twilight episodes which I'm looking  at  here  okay  so the worst Twilight episode  yeah I'm gonna go with clues okay that's  the one  where only data knew what was  going on but they had to avoid the race
that was zena phobic and was going to  kill him if they  found out  so but then  like they found that they were bones  were broken without them knowing and  plants were growing and it was actually   a day later and stuff  like that   okay Wow
there you go that's interesting so my  worst is frame of mind hmm  mostly just   because  Riker in extreme  overacting and it makes me tired yeah  yeah I kind of have a place in   my heart  for frame of mind because I love   seeing
the screen shatter uh-huh that's always  fun that was a good that was a great special effect wasn't it yeah yeah   a  great a special effect okay so what is  your  favorite Twilight Zone episode well  the episode itself wasn't super good but
just specifically like just thinking in  the category Twilight Zone episodes uh-huh I liked the one I can you  remember  its call now I knew it it's  called it's the one where they can't get   to sleep and they start seeing like they
start hallucinating  and they start in  and crusher is night terrors  yeah night terrors  it's  interests on  like all these  other ones like remember  me and conundrum and even frame of mind and in the one what's the one where they
get they get captured by by the aliens who like cut them on the   saw actually that  one's really good maybe I should   pick   that one the  one where they they they  imagine that metal table with that
serrated song there and they're cutting  their arms off and is that night terrors  that's not night terrors  I can't  remember which ones   okay but there are  those - everybody knows which two episodes I'm talking about but I do like
the one with a hallucinate because they can't sleep because crushers hanging out  on the morgue and all the bodies just  sit   up  and that's just really scary but  then the other one  is really scary  because it's alien abduction it's like a
remake of fire in the  sky and that was  really good so those two   authors I  think  in my favorite okay well John I'm gonna  go  ahead and go with uh  probably  remember me  I really like to  remember me  I know I remember
I thought you'd goes remember me that was the first that's what started the  whole Twilight Zone episode  looks  signage on  the phone   pink I  think out is concerning that   would be I know I've been having
everyone just like telling you stuff  it's like not that you know is   not  true  and be crazy hot so uh honorable mention  two parallels I really like   two   parallels  yeah parallels is good okay now here's
over in the big list right now it is  time  for the big list  all   right uh the   best  oh let's do worst title   I had a  three-way  time  just so you   know  okay  uh this   died  this one came   up immediately I didn't have to go through
and scan through   all  my   I think I did  for the best but the the worst I'm just  gonna go with  the outrageous O'Connor  haha Oh outrageous outrageous outrageous --mess my worst was a three-way tie  between   CEREC ensign ro and  a qui   l it
was just because there goodnight they're  just names of  people in the episode week   that's right what's your  favorite okay  my favorite actually there were a lot  that I really liked  I'm looking at my  list right   now  I'm just gonna go   ahead
and say  ah skin of e   okay that's  pretty that's  pretty darn   good um I'm going  to go  ahead and along similar lines I'm choosing  The Devil's do  well that was on  my list  I'm looking at my list right now
like Devil's Due I almost picked  Devil's  Due because it was like okay you got the  alliteration plus it's like like taking  this term and just literal izing it for  the sake of the episode you know yeah  like literal izing some old expression
which i think is kind of cool   but  on on  my honorable mention list  i  a fistful of  datas Eyeborg the  Icarus factor that's  pretty good up the long ladder which I almost chose Samaritan snare and menage a troice  Naza  Troy probably is the   best
title in that but  whoo this  is   a big one  what is your best technology  no  what is  your  worst or  knowledge we do worst okay  I don't recall the episode but in the  medical Bay you have these things that  people are inside these containers   and
there's like a shield  so  that their  sickness can't get out now you stick your hand in the containers and your  hands get all infected but when your  hand comes out of the container  you're   Dee infected
unfortunately that hole is too  small to  drag that person's body back out asking  like the worst conceived technology it  certainly is you're correct yeah I think that's in   queue  who   actually because there's like
a kid who is dying in queue who that  they had to get so yeah um okay no  you're right that's that's the best one  or the worst one of course  I just picked  virtual reality from  interphase  Georgia  yeah okay so yeah


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